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  • |NextApex| Hot Yoga Keeps You Happy, Esunteros Coin

|NextApex| Hot Yoga Keeps You Happy, Esunteros Coin

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Genius Team of Geniuses,

We are very happy, announcing: NextApex.co [NextApex Link] is officially up and running! 🚀 Now's your chance to become a part of something extraordinary. Create your account for free - and yes, it will stay free forever. Jump in, upvote your favorites, share your findings, and chat with like-minded individuals from around the globe.

Taking a moment to give credit where it's due - we've drawn a significant dose of inspiration from the iconic Hacker News. The magic behind our platform? Electric Clojure. It connects all of us in real-time through the power of websockets, crafting a seamless user experience. Picture this: A colossal file, intertwining client and server-side code like never before. Thanks to Dustin Getz and his innovative crew, what was once a theory is now our reality.

Trivia Time: Did you know George Washington Carver revolutionized agriculture with his work on peanuts? And Eli Whitney, well, he's the genius behind the cotton gin.

Now, let's dive into the highlights of the last ten days of October, or as we like to call it, 下旬 [ge-jun].

Screenshot of NextApex.co 1 November 2023

Hot off the press: A study [NextApex link] revealed that 90 minutes of hot yoga, once a week for eight weeks, can slash symptoms of depression by a whopping 55%. Hot yoga isn't just a workout; it's a happiness booster.

But why does it work so well?

Speaking from personal experience, hot yoga is my haven. When life gets overwhelming, it melts away my stress, leaving me rejuvenated. The heat does wonders, akin to a soothing hot springs bath. And the stretches? They're like a detox for your body, flushing out the unwanted, leaving you refreshed and ready to tackle whatever comes next.

And here’s a historical nugget for you: We've always thought of the Britons as Romans in Saxon clothing. But a recent discovery - a coin in Briton predating the Romans [NextApex link] - tells a different story. It claims their king was as mighty as the sun.

Irony at its finest, given the notorious British weather and their eventual conquest.

Catch you in the chat,